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Doctor Schroeder
Doctor Christian Schroeder, prior the General Doctor of Crans Ambassador, currently the head of Swiss Health Center, has engaged in study and research in many medical universities early in Switzerland and Germany, majoring in nutrition, anti-aging science and biomedical. As an accomplished doctor, he has received a medical practitioner's license by "Swiss Federal Ministry of Civil Affairs and Health.
Anna Kopacz
Marketing / PR / Administration
Before moving to Crans-Montana to devote her profession to revitalization medicine and innovative natural therapies with Dr. Schroeder and the SHC team, Anna gained her organizational talents through world travel and employment in numerous customer oriented positions. She combines true hospitality with a warm heart, that’s why we call her the face of our clinic. Anna ensures that each unique patient feels cared for and comfortable throughout their visit and is eager to return. DOT. English / Polish / French
Christophe Oliver
Physical therapist
Physical therapist (National Degree), Christophe Oliver combines manual therapy with natural therapy utilizing aligo-elements and medicinal herbs. As the author of four books in the field of health translated in several languages, he has also collaborated with medical and wellness magazines. Christophe has joined the Swiss Health Center team after more than 15 years professional experience in a private medical clinic. French / English / Russian
Katharina Nowicka
A childhood passion has lead Katharina working in the medical sector as a nurse for many years. Over the years she has worked in many departments of hospitals, with premature children. Katharina inspires and keeps our motivations high with always prospect to what the future holds. She engages each and everyone of our patients to her fullest attention and concern while they are here. Russian / Polish / German
Doctor Koninski
Gynaecologist / Endocrinologist / Aesthetic Physician
Doctor Koninski specializes in gynaecology, obstetrics and endocrinology. Following his educational practice, he opened a private practice specializing in gynaecology and obstetrics. After years in a private clinic in Germany, and years of developing research in anti-aging, Dr. Koninski permanent move to Crans Montana. He has been providing his specialties in Crans Montana as the primary gynaecologist and the only anti-aging professional creating tailored produced natural cosmetics. German / English / French / Polish
Svetlana Rudneva
Spa Administration- Client management- Management of spa programs- Care Planning- Specific Care of the body (massage, cellulite treatment, hot stone, reflexology, body scrub, mud therapy, baths, oxygen therapy, therapy pedi-hand bath, inhalation)- Trilingual (French, Russian, English)Borgeat Elisabeth
Excl. Ostéopathe
Excl. Ostéopathe, Borgeat Elisabeth is joining the Swiss Health Center team, after more than 10 years professional experience. French / English.
Bernard Duval
Physical therapist et Ostéopathe International
Physical therapist et Ostéopathe, Bernard Duvalest is internationally known and is joining the Swiss Health Center.