Physical Therapy
Physical therapy
Medical massage
To relieve pain, relax the body tissues, regulate the nervous tension and restore blood flow.
Rehabilitation – post trauma treatment
- Fight against rheumatism (arthrosis, arthritis, arthritis, sciatica)
- Keep its autonomy within the framework of disease neurological such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, various paralysis, strokes
- Treat lung diseases (liberation of the lungs) in adults and children
Spine School
- Strengthen the core
- Manage the spine according to its morphology
- Learn posture techniques for daily routines
Harmonious and conditional breathing
- Learn high respiration in the form of exercises that restore the physiological abdominal breathing
- Improve the entire respiratory system (lungs, diaphragm muscle, stomach, pharynx, larynx)
- Obtain the mental concentration and self and body control
first stage of meditation
Beneficial effects:
- Restoration and amplification of its vital energy
- Fortification of the immune system
- Fight against stress and nervousness
- Control of emotions
- Control of body tension
- Control of eating habits and digestive functions
- Harmonization of the soul, emotions and body
- Stimulation of the third Chakra – power, wisdom and emotions center
- Release the solar plexus, which control the digestive organs, body temperature, which regulates the nervous tension
- Acquisition of mindfulness allowing to set in the present moment and thus to release negative thoughts