Wellness Spa
Relax, Renew, Regenerate
With a selection of body enhancing procedures to truly enrich your body with what it deserves and needs.
Medical or Relaxing massage
A calm reflective message with natural essential oils based upon the softening of the tense muscles or/and medical-attention needed points.
Manual Lymphatic-drainage
A gentle message aimed by proponents to encourage the natural circulation of the lymph through the body. Choose from a facial or body lymphatic drainage.
A zone therapy through which pressure is applied to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques, which can result in reflexive effect on the body.
The art of water therapy, a natural approach to the healing of diseases using mineral-rich water and essential oils, to stimulate the absorption of the restoring minerals.
Colon Hydrotherapy
A natural treatment that stimulates bowel activity by using the body's natural nerve and muscular response mechanism.
An Italian thermal mud treatment that cleanses, purifies, and revitalizes the body, reduces the appearance of cellulite and assists with arthritis pain, gout, and skin irritations.
Anti-cellulite Therapy
State of the art STARVAC Cellulite Reduction and Massage Therapy Machine, to smooth ad firm the skin of the entire body, stimulating circulation, and release toxins.
Inhalation Therapy
Also known as respiratory therapy, improving breathing and lung function while lessening symptoms of chronic respiratory issues.
Therapy of “pedi-maniluves”
A Kneipp method stimulating a good circulation of the blood through variety of water temperature to the finger tips and toes.